Department of Neighborhood Empowerment Grievance Form
Thank you for contacting the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment regarding your Grievance. Your concerns are important to us. Please fill out this form as completely as possible to help expedite our determination. Please be aware that the information you are submitting is subject to the California Public Records Act.

We will NOT be able to respond to your Grievance unless you provide a valid email or mailing address.
Please note that once you click Save at the upper right corner, your Grievance will be submitted.

All witness statements must be attached on this form.
The Department will not process more than three Grievance Forms filed by the same person in any calendar year and no more than five Grievance Forms filed by the same individual in any three year period. All Grievances submitted through this portal are considered processed.
(310) 704-6284
1615 Glyndon Avenue, venice, California 90291

Specific Violation Alleged
Failure to indicate the nature of your alleged Grievance will result in the dismissal of your Grievance.
A Grievance must be filed within 30 days from the date of the event giving rise to the Grievance.  Any Grievance alleging a violation relating to Neighborhood Council funding must be filed within 90 calendar days of the date the expenditure is made.
  4th Request For Confirmation of DONE Complaint/ VNC Brown Act Violation Below

 DONE Complaints and the VNC Secretary, Please send confirmation you have received this Brown Act Violation immediately.

To: DONE COMPLAINTS                                        4-15-16
       Kristopher Valentine, VNC Secretary
       NC Support
      City NC Election Clerk

From: Rick Selan, VNC Candidate for President

Re:  4th Request For Confirmation of DONE Complaint/ VNC Brown Act Violation Below

Dear DONE Complaints and VNC SECRETARY,

        Venice NC eliminated responding to complaints they received from  DONE Complaints several years ago.
Based on this “ less than accountable behavior by VNC”,  DONE/ VNC Hearings were held regarding VNC’s decision
to refuse to address Complaints. The hearings were held over a 15 month period. 

         The hearings included  two city attorneys; DONE Senior  Administration, CORE CA,and facilitated by LA Human Relations.
The team decided to eliminate this bad behavior by VNC Rules and Elections and the VNC Secretary.

        A process was set up where stakeholders from neighboring NC’s would hear the VNC grievances rather than 
deal with the “less than kind behavior” by VNC. A month later DONE Senior Administration reneged on the agreement.
VNC continues to ignore filed grievances  and refuses to respond to CPRA’s (public records requests) and there are
no consequences.

   VNC  Election rules have been violated and covered up for the last three elections. 

    I request DONE Complaints and the VNC Secretary send confirmation they have received this Brown Act violation immediately.

   Please send the confirmation to:

      Peace. Forward. Change. In unity for accountability and an end to “mean spirit”, Rick Selan


DONE Election Director Shares that VNC Appointed Parliamentarian Now Works For LA City Clerk Election Division

         Consistent Election Violations by VNC Election Co-Chair Ivan Spiegel  Now Working For City Clerk Election Division

To: DONE Elections c/o Jay Handler, Director           4-14-16
       LA City Clerk Election Division
From: Rick Selan, VNC Presidential Candidate

Re: DONE Election Director States That VNC Appointed Parliamentarian Now Works for City Clerk 
     Election Division [After Violating VNC Election Rules]

Dear Jay and City Clerk Election Division,
   Jay, thank you for your phone call  this evening informing this candidate that VNC Parliamentarian Ivan Spiegel ,
who has been or might still be, the VNC Election Co-Chairprson for at least six years is now working for the City Election Clerk 
moderating a Regional Election Event on  April 20,2016. (see below)      

     As I have shared with you in writing, Mr. Spiegel has been involved in serious election scandals including
loading all of the uncounted ballots from a VNC Election and hired a 14 year old Palisades student to place them in the trunk of
the other Election Co-Chair Elizabeth Wright and drove off returning the next day with the ballots  rather than counting the ballots on site.

     Mr. Spiegel, in the last two VNC Elections denied numerous voters the right to vote for Community
Interest Stakeholder although voters had the choice to vote for one at-large member or the Community Interest Stakeholder.

      Mr. Spiegel attempted to have a candidate for VNC Office arrested when Mr. Spiegel and the VNC Venice Rules and Elections Chair
blatantly lied to LAPD Pacific Division and to two City Attorneys. This is documented with former Pacific Division Captain Brian Johnson 
who discovered the sting. Why are individuals who violate the law permitted to run NC Elections and work for the City Clerk Election Division?

     Finally, as the VNC Election Chair he has violated American’s With Disability Acts by denying access to those physically challenged to
access the stage.

Might you also share those on the VNC Election Committee Which Is Not Posted On the VNC website ?

Peace. Forward. Change.     In unity for accountability and “fair Neighborhood Council Elections”, Rick Selan

 On Wednesday evening April 20th at 7:00pm we are holding our West Region 11 Candidate Orientation Event.
- IMAN Cultural Center in Palms; 3376 Motor Avenue, Los Angeles 90034.  
- The Candidate Orientation will by led by Ivan Spiegel.


     To:  DONE Complaints and the VNC Secretary, Please send confirmation you have received this Brown Act Violation immediately.

To: DONE COMPLAINTS                                        4-14-16
       Kristopher Valentine, VNC Secretary

From: Rick Selan, VNC Candidate for President

Re: Confirmation of Brown Act Complaint by DONE Complaints and Venice NC Secretary

Dear DONE Complaints and VNC SECRETARY,

        Venice NC eliminated responding to complaints they received from  DONE Complaints several years ago.
Based on this “ less than accountable behavior by VNC”,  DONE/ VNC Hearings were held regarding VNC’s decision
to refuse to address Complaints. The hearings were held over a 15 month period. 

         The hearings included  two city attorneys; DONE Senior  Administration, CORE CA,and facilitated by LA Human Relations.
The team decided to eliminate this bad behavior by VNC Rules and Elections and the VNC Secretary.

        A process was set up where stakeholders from neighboring NC’s would hear the VNC grievances rather than 
deal with the “less than kind behavior” by VNC. A month later DONE Senior Administration reneged on the agreement.
VNC continues to ignore filed grievances  and refuses to respond to CPRA’s (public records requests) and there are
no consequences.

   VNC  Election rules have been violated and covered up for the last three elections. 

    I request DONE Complaints and the VNC Secretary send confirmation they have received this Brown Act violation immediately.

   Please send the confirmation to:

      Peace. Forward. Change. In unity for accountability and an end to “mean spirit”, Rick Selan

Supplementary Information Regarding Brown Act Complaint by Venice Neighborhood Council


                                              BROWN ACT VIOLATION

To: DONE  Complaints

Supplementary Information Regarding Brown Act Complaint by Venice Neighborhood Council


Please Include this documentation sent to me by an informed parliamentarian. Thank you, Rick Selan

Hi Rick
Neighborhood councils are under brown act. Under govt code even if there was a closed meeting there still must be public participation
 and a report out to public of an actionable item.

I think you council member office should be involved. Further it is my understanding that done created guidelines for the election since when has the responsibility fallen on city clerk. 

Finally how come the board of commissioners have not addressed this issue. Why aren't Westside BONC Commissioner Eli Lipman and the other commissioners not monitoring these type of issues.

Brown  Act Violation - VNC Election Orientation    Filed With DONE/ Election Challenge , 
    LA City Clerk Election Division and VNC Secretary

To: DONE Elections c/o Jay Handler, Director           4-13-16
       LA City Clerk Election Division
       VNC Secretary Kristopher Valentine

From: Rick Selan, VNC Presidential Candidate

Re:  Brown Act Violation  Filed With DONE Elections ; LA City Clerk; and VNC Secretary Valentine

Please review the post from VNC Communications Matthew Beltran below which clearly states that the VNC Election
Meeting tonight was open to the public  contrary to VNC Election Chair Elizabeth Wright
who does not reply to concerns by candidates; along with the explanation by DONE Election Director Jay 
Handler who placed the onus of responsibility on the City Election Clerk who organized and ran the meeting,
not VNC.

Please file this as a VNC Election Challenge and a Brown Act violation as this meeting
 was never posted on the VNC Website. The public has the right to participate in city election meetings.

This bad behavior, as explained below, is pattern and practice, by the VNC Election Committee who continue to
 view themselves above the law.

VNC does not share the names of those on the VNC Election Committee. Why? Please share the names.

Peace. Forward. Change. In unity for accountability and a “fair VNC Election”, Rick Selan
VNC Candidate Orientation tonight8h ago
ComCom member Matthew Beltran from EmpowerLA

VNC Candidate Orientation tonight at 6:30 PM at Oakwood Recreation Center 

Learn more about the rules, process, and strategies to get the word out on your campaign. Feel free to contact the elections by sending emails to with any questions.

Rick Selan from East Venice50m ago
Matthew, thank you so much for publicizing the election meeting at Oakwood Recreation Center. I sent two letters to Elizabth Wright, Election Chair, that it appeared she was violating the Brown act by not posting this public event on the VNC website. Sadly, VNC Election Chair Wright refused to reply whether the meeting was public or private. As I candidate for President, I was disappointed that the public was denied access. I spent a few hours today researching this and reached Jay Handel, DONE Election Coordinator, who explained to me that this election meeting was closed to the public because it was not an event sponsored by VNC. He explained the meeting was closed because it was being run by the City Clerk Election Committee who closed the meeting to the public because it was not a VNC event. Elizabeth Wright in her letter to candidates never explained that this was not a VNC event but a City Clerk Election meeting. Matthew, thank you for publicizing that this meeting was public and a Brown Act violation will be filed .Ms. Wright is well known for removing all ballots at a previous election and had a Palisades student move the ballots into her trunk and drove off with the ballots bringing them back the next day with VNC Parliamentarian Ivan Spiegel the next day to be counted. Other serious election violations are still being covered up by VNC Elections and Stephen Box from DONE. It is important the public has the right to attend City Election events. Peace. Rick Selan

From: Dante Cacace, Venice Resident

Dante Cacace from Venice NC8h ago

This is not a meeting for the general public. It's only for candidates and we have limited space.


Extra Extra       Brown/ Greene Act Complaint to be Filed   

VENICE ELECTION MEETING      April 13, 2016    NOT POSTED ON VNC CALENDAR   Why?        4-12-16

To:  Elizabeth Wright, VNC Election Chair
       Leyla Campos, DONE Operations 

From: Rick Selan,  Candidate For VNC President

Re: VNC Election Meeting Not Posted On VNC Website    Brown/ Greene Act to be Filed.

Dear Ms. Wright,

Based on your decision not to post the election meeting at Oakwood Park on the VNC web Site,
 you are denying the public/ community the right to attend.

If you hold this meeting tomorrow night, if it actually exists, a Brown and/or Greene Act Complaint will be filed
on April 14 for your Committee's continued “Structure Chaos” to cover up this public meeting, if it actually exists.
You are in violation of the 72 hour post.

The complaint will be filed with VNC which has policy not to reply to grievances, complaints, nor
CPRA (public records request);the city clerk election committee and DONE elections.

This candidate will never forget the election where you and Ivan Spiegel hired a 14 year old Palisades High student
 to place all uncounted VNC election ballots in your car and did not return for 18 hours. VNC is in need of “fair play” and integrity.

                                                                 Peace. Rick Selan


Dear Elizabeth Wright,  Why Does VNC Elections Cover Up Election Orientation Meeting, if it exists at all?

VENICE ELECTION MEETING      April 13, 2016    NOT POSTED ON VNC CALENDAR   Why?        4-12-16

To:  Elizabeth Wright, VNC Election Chair
       Leyla Campos, DONE Operations 

From: Rick Selan,  Candidate For VNC President

Re: VNC Election Meeting Not Posted On VNC Website

Dear Ms. Wright,

       As you have not replied if the Orientation for candidates tomorrow night April 13, 2016, I contacted elections@empowerla.

They requested I send them a letter with my concern why you continue “Structured Chaos” by not placing this meeting on the VNC Calendar.

Is this meeting private and not open to the public? Please reply.

     Why does it appear you and your committee are covering this up or has the meeting been cancelled?

Please reply.

              Peace. Rick Selan

VENICE ELECTION MEETING      April 13, 2016    NOT POSTED ON VNC CALENDAR   Why?        4-11-16

To:  Elizabeth Wright, VNC Election Chair

From: Rick Selan,  Candidate For VNC President

Re: VNC Election Meeting Not Posted On VNC Website

Dear Ms. Wright,

     You write below that a Candidate Orientation will be held at 6:30 p.m. April 13, 2016 at Oakwood Park.

This Meeting is not posted on the VNC Website. Why does it appear you and your committee are covering this up or has the meeting been cancelled?

Please reply.

              Peace. Rick Selan

There will be a  *Candidates' Orientation* that is *specifically* for the
Venice Neighborhood Council (VNC).  Please mark your calendars, and plan to
attend if at all possible.

*Wednesday, 13 April 2016, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, Oakwood Recreation Center,
767 California St, Venice 90291*

 VENICE NC Website
Public Comment on Committee Mass, Scale, Character Report
Administrative Committee Meeting 7:00 pm
Discussion Forum Committee Meeting Agenda 7:00 pm
VNC Education Committee Meeting, April 13, 2016, 6:00-8:00pm 6:00 pm
Joint Election/Outreach Committees Meeting 8:00 pm



Rather Than Focus On A Fair Election, Elizabeth Wright, VNC Election Chair , Calls Direct “Facts" As Rumors and Ignores 
Response to Election Violations and Cover Up By Election Committee.

To:  Elizabeth Wright, VNC Election Chair                        4-10-16

From: Rick Selan, VNC Presidential Candidate

Re: VNC Election Committee Uses “Structured Chaos” Rather Than Respond  to Community Requests/ Questions

Dear Ms. Wright,

        Thank you for sharing with me what you refer to as ERRATA. You state, "In Bulletin #7  that the voting rules for the Community Officers was to prevent takeover by "states”. 
 Therefore, the VNC Rules and Elections determined that to avoid slates, each voter may vote for only one of the 13 open  At-Large Community Representatives
or give up that vote to vote for one Community Interest Stakeholder. 

        For the past two elections, you and Co-Election Chair Ivan Spiegel denied voters the option to chose page one with the  list of those who run for  the13 At -Large Community  or chose page 2
to vote for one Community Stakeholder. This is fact , not rumor.

          On April 8, 2016, I wrote you a concern of many in the community.  I asked you specific concerns.

I wrote, In the past two elections , voters were not given the option to vote for one or the other. Voters were directed by Ivan Spiegel that we have no 
right to vote for the Community Interest Officer. We were given only one ballot as you separated them. There were many who can sign declarations of these 
“unfair election practices”. Where the Rules and Elections Committee responsible for this violation in at least two different electionsPlease be specific rather
 than provide circular reasoning.

How will this be corrected for this election? Why do we need two different ballots and how will voters know their rights as the “election violations “ continue to be covered up.?"

Rather than replying, you utilized “ Structured Chaos” by referring to my concerns/ questions as RUMORS or FACTS as you write below?

If you refuse to respond to these concerns, please share  where to appeal your “Structured Chaos” response so the voters are not denied a third unfair election. 
Might you share the names of the other members of the VNC Election Committee, if they exist ?

        Peace. Forward. Change.   In unity for accountability and the return of passion from the first “Grassroots Venice”, Rick Selan

You will hear many statements about the election ranging from menus at events to what the ballots will look like.  Consider it rumor unless I have informed you via one of these bulletins. 
 People try to be helpful and explain, "last time ...."  Their memories are not always accurate.  Also, the logistics of the election changes from year to year. 

The rules regarding election of Community Officers have not changed since the 2014 election.  

Elizabeth Wright
VNC Election Committee

EXTRA  EXTRA  EXTRA              The Good , The Bad, and the Ugly      VNC-DONE Hearings

                   Need For Reply by VNC Election Chair Elizabeth Wright


 Letter From VNC Rules and Election Chair by VNC Presidential Candidate Ira Koslow    4-9-16
Re: Grievance dated 6/7/2009; received by DONE 6/16/2009; sent to VNC 6/16/2009
Dear Mr. Selan,
Due to the fact that it does not address an actual action of the Board of Officers, this grievance is non-actionable, and is denied with prejudice. Also it seems that because of either bad eyesight (hence the large font), poor reading comprehension (shown in all his supposed grievances) or lack of math skills (he is an ex math teacher), his contention that I have stalled is negated in the fact that we have 60 days to respond to grievances. Two weeks is 14 days and in math parlance is LESS THAN (<) 60 days (14<60).
Ira Koslow

   The Cover Ups By VNC Election Chairs Elizabeth Wright and Ivan Spiegel    
 and VNC Rules and Election Committee Under Ira Koslow, Joe Murphy ,and Ivan Spiegel


Below-  The Good, the Bad and the Cover Up of VNC -DONE Hearings 1 and 2

To: Elizabeth Wright, VNC 2016 Election Coordinator

From: Rick Selan, VNC Candidate 

Re:   Election Cover Ups 

Dear Ms. Wright,

          I sent you this letter yesterday and you did not respond. I have sent you reviews of the VNC Cover Ups on Elections and Grievance as 
well as the VNC-DONE Venice Hearings 1 and 2. Hopefully, this information will help in your reply to the letter sent you.  Peace, Rick Selan



Dear Ms. Wright,             4-8-16

Again, thank you for your hard work again this election.
Might you explain what your statement below means?

Elizabeth writes   " This unusual technique was designed to
prevent states from taking total control of the VNC."

I have read it several times and am less than clear.  

Were you aware you were holding this election meeting next  Wednesday at the same time as Venice Education? 

 Also, based on your statement, "  That one vote may be cast for either an
At-Large Community Officer candidate or a Community Interest Community Officer candidate.."  

In the past two elections , voters were not given the option to vote for one or the other. Voters were directed by Ivan Spiegel that we have no right to vote for the Community Interest Officer. We were given only one ballot as you separated them. There were many who can sign declarations of these “unfair election practices”.
Where the Rules and Elections Committee responsible for this violation in at least two different elections?

Please be specific rather than provide circular reasoning.

How will this be corrected for this election? Why do we need two different ballots and how will voters know their rights as the “election violations “ continue to be covered up.?

 Peace. Change. Forward.               Peace. Rick Selan, Candidate for President



The Bad Behavior and Cover Up of Grievances by VNC Election Chair Ira Koslow That Continues Into 2016

Grievances dated 5/18,09, received by DONE 5/19/O9, sent on  5/20/09  Covered Up Three Times By VNC Unilateral Grievance Chair and LAUSD LACES Teacher Ira Koslow  To Continue Stalling Techniques Until ALL  Current VNC members are erased in early 2010 elections. Grievances Include Mr. Koslow's Apparent Connection With At Least one, if not more members, of the LAUSD Good Ol' Boys and Girls Club.

On Jun 20, 2009, at 8:14 AM, Ira Koslow wrote:
June 20, 2009
Re: Grievance dated 6/7/2009; received by DONE 6/16/2009; sent to VNC 6/16/2009
Dear Mr. Selan,
Due to the fact that it does not address an actual action of the Board of Officers, this grievance is non-actionable, and is denied with prejudice. Also it seems that because of either bad eyesight (hence the large font), poor reading comprehension (shown in all his supposed grievances) or lack of math skills (he is an ex math teacher), his contention that I have stalled is negated in the fact that we have 60 days to respond to grievances. Two weeks is 14 days and in math parlance is LESS THAN (<) 60 days (14<60).
Ira Koslow
Rules & Elections Committee
Venice Neighborhood Council

The Good-    VNC-DONE Hearings 1 and 2 Before DONE Backs Down On Change to Grievance Process

Hi, Rick,
Hope all is well.  Thank you for your email and your participation in the meeting.  I am very appreciative of our staff, the City Attorney's Office and HRC's support during this process.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Grayce Liu
General Manager
Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
200 N. Spring Street, Suite 2005
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Downtown Office: (213) 978-1551
Downtown Fax: (213) 978-1751

Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Newsletter

Empower Yourself. Empower Your Community. Empower LA.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 11:57 PM, Rick Selan <> wrote:
The Success of the VNC-DONE Hearings          New  Change of Staff Brings Pleasant Surprise at Hearings

To:   Grayce Liu, General Manager DONE
 cc:  Patricia Villasenor, Director LA Human Relations
        Mike Feuer, City Attorney

From: Rick Selan, Educational Advocate

Re:    VNC-DONE Hearing 2   A Success For Neighborhood Councils, Venice Stakeholders  and The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment —Change Process Begins

Dear Ms. Liu,

      On behalf of my representative George Buzzetti, Policy Director of CORE-Ca. and this advocate, we thank Leyla Campos, DONE Director of Operations and your Administrative 
Assistants Monique Collins and Janet Lindo for their hospitality and their dedication and vision to improve the quality of life for all Angelenos and their unique communities.

     In attendance besides Ms. Campos, Mr. Buzzetti and this advocate were DONE Deputy City Attorney Darren Martinez; Facilitator Sheldon Cruz, from LA Human Relations;
former Venice- DONE Analyst ( remained only 10 minutes ) Amber Meshack; her replacement Thomas Soong;  new Westside and Harbor DONE Specialist Joseph Hari; and 
Deputy City  Labor Attorney Vivienne Swanigan.

    CD11 Deputy Cecilia Castillo, who attended the first Hearing, was absent.

     Ms. Campos explained that VNC was invited to attend but VNC refused to attend to respond to the allegations filed against certain VNC members and an appointee of the VNC President.

     All present were in disbelief that VNC member Ira Koslow has been the unilateral decision maker who has denied since 2006 all grievances and complaints
by stating “Non-Actionable and Denied with Prejudice". Mr. Koslow,a LAUSD employee, ever denied grievances and complaints filed against himself. The actions 
by Mr. Koslow will be investigated regarding his serving as the unilateral decision maker.

   A new grievance/ complaint component has been drafted and will go into effect July 1, 2014. DONE understands that there have been serious problems throughout
the city as far as “fair play” in the grievance/ complaint process. Once a grievance is dealt with by a NC, the complainant will now have the right to have his/her grievance/
complaint heard by a Regional Panel. The NC who ruled on the complaint will not be part of the regional panel.

    It was explained that new regulations regarding the CPRA (public records request)process will also go into effect after July 1, 2014.

     This advocate requests that DONE City Attorney Darren Martinez sends in writing his explanation and the definition and differences  between a complaint and grievance.
While this advocate understands the difference as explained, the exact language needs to be shared from the Office of the City Attorney.

     DONE Administration defined “By Law Moratorium” as a window where by laws are open for change for six months, then closed for six months.

     VNC is less than clear who serves as the Community Representative for the Penmar (east of Lincoln) community. This will be researched by DONE staff.

       DONE needs to be congratulated for their decision to create change in the Westside-Harbor area with the appointment of Thomas Soong and Joseph Hari.
All present appreciated the high energy and accentuation on the positive of the two new leaders.

     BY the end of the meeting, all in attendance were working in harmony as “change agents” to strengthen the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 
and resolve serious issues that needed to be addressed.

      A special thanks to Facilitator Sheldon Cruz and Patty Villasenor, Director of LA Human Relations, for their commitment to work in collaboration.

       This advocate looks forward to work with Joseph Hari and Thomas Soong whose leadership skills and charisma were most evident at this final Hearing.

        It is tragic that VNC made the decision not to participate in this outstanding meeting to discuss the “change process”. One wonders why?

                                                                                                                            Peace. Forward. Change.

                                                                                                                               In unity for accountability and willingness to change, Rick Selan


                                                   DONE Attempts To Cover Up Successful VNC-DONE Hearings 1 and 2.   Joseph Hari Resigns Based On “Bad Behavior by DONE.

 APPEAL TO DONE General Manager Grayce Liu to Schedule VNC-DONE Hearing 3             8-28-14

To:  Grayce Liu, General Manager DONE
      Members of VNC DONE Hearings 1 and 2
cc: BONC
     LA Human Relations
From: Rick Selan, Educational Advocate

Re:  Appeal of Unilateral Denial by Joseph Hari to Hold VNC-DONE Hearing 3 with VNC Present

     Dear Ms. Liu,

           This advocate thanks you for the warm and fuzzy messages you send out each Friday accentuating the positive within DONE.
    Sadly, you never share the need for change in DONE which focuses on “lack of ethics" and serious violations of the Brown Act as well as ADA violations
     which your office  attempts to cover up.

           For six years, DONE has promised the residents of Los Angeles a fair grievance and complaint system. Sadly, each year your office 
  finds a way to make sure there is no change in Venice NC who denies all complaints and grievances unilaterally decided by one individual
  who denies all complaints and grievances by stating only, “Non-Actionable and Denied With Prejudice “ or VNC  ignores the complaints and grievances
 with no reply. The same pattern and practice also includes no replies to CPRA’s ( public records requests).

         Decisions reached at DONE-VNC Hearings 1 and 2 have been reversed unilaterally by DONE Administrator Joseph Hari and VNC DONE-
Analyst Thomas Soong. This is disgraceful based on the taxpayer dollars utilized to clean a “less than clean house”.

        Mr. Hari, who we believed was an honorable man, has become “mean spirited” and appears to have sold out the Venice constituents by his need
for Power and plans to move up the political ladder. Sadly, this is pattern and practice in Los Angeles which causes Los Angeles to remain dysfunctional
with no one taking responsibility.

        Venice NC refused to send representatives to the DONE-VNC Hearings 1 and 2 based on the Board’s decision to boycott these hearings
facilitated by LA Human Relations and attended by City Attorneys , CD11, DONE Administration, this advocate and CORE-Ca.

      Mr. Hari was aware that  the VNC LUPC Chair, a VNC Board Member,  was to attend the VNC -DONE Hearings 3 and requested to address
the City Attorneys present. Mr. Hari and Mr. Soong have done everything possible to deny the LUPC Chair the opportunity to share the facts
of what is really occurring in VNC and Land, Use, and Planning.

       Why are Mr. Hari and Mr. Soong so determined to silence the LUPC Chair ? They know the truth and do not want the LUPC Chair to
have Voice and Visibility. They will do whatever is necessary to silence this advocate and the LUPC Chair, based on political forces who direct them.

        Please send this advocate three dates and early afternoon times to resume the VNC Hearings and hear from the LUPC Chair and this advocate.
Please send these dates and times to LA Human Relations so they might make the decision to continue their role as fair facilitators.

        It might be time that you share in your warm and fuzzy Friday messages  the dark side of DONE along with light side so the public is aware
of the problems that need remedies rather than cover up.

       Finally, Mr. Hari makes it very clear that it is not possible to file complaints or grievances against individual members who are in violation of
the Brown Act and other legal issues. Please explain why these individuals are above the law.

      Might it be time to amend the Los Angeles Charter to protect constituents of unfair play and practices within the DONE
 (Department of Neighborhood Empowerment) ?

      Hopefully collaboration with integrity will over power confrontation which is pattern and practice of a small group of angry old white men 
in VNC.

                                                                   Peace. Forward. Change.       In unity for accountability and a successful VNC-DONE Hearing 3, 

                                                                                                                           Rick Selan

 The Ugly and Mean Spirit of VNC Rules and Elections Committee

Grievances dated 5/18,09, received by DONE 5/19/O9, sent on  5/20/09  Covered Up Three Times By VNC Unilateral Grievance Chair and LAUSD LACES Teacher Ira Koslow  To Continue Stalling Techniques Until ALL  Current VNC members are erased in early 2010 elections. Grievances Include Mr. Koslow's Apparent Connection With At Least one, if not more members, of the LAUSD Good Ol' Boys and Girls Club.

On Jun 20, 2009, at 8:14 AM, Ira Koslow wrote:
June 20, 2009
Re: Grievance dated 6/7/2009; received by DONE 6/16/2009; sent to VNC 6/16/2009
Dear Mr. Selan,
Due to the fact that it does not address an actual action of the Board of Officers, this grievance is non-actionable, and is denied with prejudice. Also it seems that because of either bad eyesight (hence the large font), poor reading comprehension (shown in all his supposed grievances) or lack of math skills (he is an ex math teacher), his contention that I have stalled is negated in the fact that we have 60 days to respond to grievances. Two weeks is 14 days and in math parlance is LESS THAN (<) 60 days (14<60).
Ira Koslow
Rules & Elections Committee
Venice Neighborhood Council
C. Grievance: Any Stakeholder who is adversely affected by a decision of the Board of Officers may submit a written Grievance to the Secretary. All grievances shall be referred to the Rules and Elections Committee for review and recommendation to the Board of Officers. The Board shall review the grievance and committee findings. All grievances shall be reviewed and appropriate action taken not more than sixty (60) days after receipt of the grievance.

On Jun 7, 2009, at 2:34 PM, Rick Selan wrote:
Grievance Appeal Against VNC and Unilateral Grievance Chair  (2nd Grievance in as many days)

June7, 2009
Re: Grievance dated 5/18/2009; received by DONE 5/19/2009; sent to VNC 5/20/2009
Dear Mr. Selan,
Due to the fact that it does not address an actual action of the Board of Officers, this grievance is non-actionable, and is denied with prejudice.
Ira Koslow
Rules & Elections Committee
Venice Neighborhood Council



Penguin Educational Advocates    (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?”    1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date: 06-07-09    Venice, CA 90291

Annie Kwak, and DONE Complaints 6-7-09    VNC Grievance Appeal

Dear Ms. Kwak, Done Complaints, Bong Hwan Kim, Janet Lindo, and Blanca Vite,
    As noted above this is a grievance appeal against VNC on June 7, 2009. Ira Koslow, after stalling two full weeks (see grievance 6-6-09 on receipts) continues to unilaterally deny grievances over and over again based on prejudice. I will be contacting you to obtain contact information regarding the Committee from DONE who handles Ethics Certification. Ira Koslow, Joe D. Murphy, Ivan Spiegel and Dexter O'Connell appear to need to have their certification reviewed and possibly removed based on their lack of ethics , "mean spirit",  and "Gaslight games". This will be pursued.

    As Ivan Spiegel is not an elected member, I do not believe he has to be certified giving him the opportunity to continue his mischief in the Venice-Mar Vista Educational community. Mr. Spiegel continues to have ties into actions in LAUSD to which public records, Operations, and Legal refuse to address or reply. I refer to this as cover up.

Please file both the June 6, 2009 and the June 7, 2009 Grievances as soon as possible. Peace. Change. Hope. Rick Selan

Grievances dated 5/18,09, received by DONE 5/19/O9, sent on  5/20/09  Covered Up Three Times By VNC Unilateral Grievance Chair and LAUSD LACES Teacher Ira Koslow  To Continue Stalling Techniques Until ALL  Current VNC members are erased in early 2010 elections. Grievances Include Mr. Koslow's Apparent Connection With At Least one, if not more members, of the LAUSD Good Ol' Boys and Girls Club.

Penguin Educational Advocates    (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?”    1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date:06-07-09    Venice, CA 90291

Annie Kwak, Blanca Vite, and DONE Complaints 5-18-09    VNC Appealed Complaints Denied Unilaterally By Ira Koslow With Prejudice To Protect Himself and Rules Committee

Appeal of Grievances  

Appealed Again to DONE COMPLAINTS  6-07-09 Against VNC

To:    Annie Kwak, DONE Complaints, Bianca Vite and Bong Hwan Kim and City Council    

    Dear Ms. Kwak, Ms Vite, Mr. Kim, and DONE Complaints,

        VNC does not address grievances. Instead they continue to waste taxpayer money and have the same grievances challenged over and over always having either  Ira Koslow, Dexter O' Connell, or Joe D. Murphy unilaterally deny all grievances denied with prejudice. This might be one reason why the city is attempting to cut NC dollars for this type of bad behavior by the puppets of the BONC Chairperson and VNC Vice President Linda Lucks and VNC President Mike Newhouse. 

        The group named above which also includes their  "LAUSD Trickster Ivan Spiegel" appears to do anything directed from above ( OPD election below) to earn their goodie points. Over the coming days, we will see the direction of the city council and NC funds.
    Based on a " less than fair unilateral VNC grievance system" engineered by LAUSD "Trickster" and appointed VNC Parliamentarian Ivan Spiegel and Joe D. Murphy, LAUSD LACES Math Teacher and Appointed VNC Grievance Chair Ira Koslow continues to deny all VNC grievances and appeals of grievances as non-actionable  based on prejudice. Several of these grievances involved Mr. Koslow's bad behavior and rather than recuse himself, he denied the grievances unilaterally any way based on prejudice. Teacher Koslow continues to use this "advocate's court agreement"  with LAUSD as a reason for his "bad behavior" at VNC meetings.

    Mr. Koslow and Mr. Spiegel operate as though they are protected from any consequences based on those from whom they take direction.

        Sadly BONC will not act as the President of BONC Linda Lucks is Vice President of VNC and the games continue. Please file this appeal on all grievances denied included below. Grievances include quite important community issues such as the Oakwood Park Cell Tower  and  the Venice OPD Election violations. There is no where to go in this city to make a complaint regarding unfair grievance systems in NC's in LA except through DONE Complaints. 

        Please file this multiple grievance immediately. Peace. Change. Hope.

        In unity for accountability, Rick Selan

Subject:     Re: Selan - VNC Grievance
June 6, 2009 12:47:53 PM PDT
Receipt acknowledged
Ira Koslow
Rules & Electiuons Committee

Subject:     Re: Selan - VNC Grievance
    Date:     May 24, 2009 9:27:29 AM PDT

Receipt acknowledged
Ira Koslow
Rules & Elections Committee
Venice Neighborhood Council



On May 18, 2009, at 12:44 AM, Rick Selan wrote:
Penguin Educational Advocates    (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?”    1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date:05-18-09    Venice, CA 90291

Annie Kwak, Blanca Vite, and DONE Complaints 5-18-09    VNC Appealed Complaints Denied Unilaterally By Ira Koslow With Prejudice To Protect Himself and Rules Committee

Appeal of Grievances  dated 5-10-2009, received by DONE 5/11 /09 sent to VNC 5/13/09 

Appealed Again to DONE COMPLAINTS  5-18-09 Against VNC

To:    Annie Kwak, DONE Complaints, Bianca Vite and Bong Hwan Kim and City Council    

    Dear Ms. Kwak, Ms Vite, Mr. Kim, and DONE Complaints,

        VNC does not address grievances. Instead they continue to waste taxpayer money and have the same grievances challenged over and over always having either  Ira Koslow, Dexter O' Connell, or Joe D. Murphy unilaterally deny all grievances denied with prejudice. This might be one reason why the city is attempting to cut NC dollars for this type of bad behavior by the puppets of the BONC Chairperson and VNC Vice President Linda Lucks and VNC President Mike Newhouse. 

        The group named above which also includes their  "LAUSD Trickster Ivan Spiegel" appears to do anything directed from above ( OPD election below) to earn their goodie points. Over the coming days, we will see the direction of the city council and NC funds.
    Based on a " less than fair unilateral VNC grievance system" engineered by LAUSD "Trickster" and appointed VNC Parliamentarian Ivan Spiegel and Joe D. Murphy, LAUSD LACES Math Teacher and Appointed VNC Grievance Chair Ira Koslow continues to deny all VNC grievances and appeals of grievances as non-actionable  based on prejudice. Several of these grievances involved Mr. Koslow's bad behavior and rather than recuse himself, he denied the grievances unilaterally any way based on prejudice. Teacher Koslow continues to use this "advocate's court agreement"  with LAUSD as a reason for his "bad behavior" at VNC meetings.

    Mr. Koslow and Mr. Spiegel operate as though they are protected from any consequences based on those from whom they take direction.

        Sadly BONC will not act as the President of BONC Linda Lucks is Vice President of VNC and the games continue. Please file this appeal on all grievances denied included below. Grievances include quite important community issues such as the Oakwood Park Cell Tower  and  the Venice OPD Election violations. There is no where to go in this city to make a complaint regarding unfair grievance systems in NC's in LA except through DONE Complaints. 

        Please file this multiple grievance immediately. Peace. Change. Hope.

        In unity for accountability, Rick Selan

Grievances Unilaterally Denied By Ira Koslow Denied With Prejudice

Re: Grievance dated 5/10/2009; received by DONE 5/11/2009; sent to VNC 5/13/2009
Dear Mr. Selan,
Due to the fact that it does not address an actual action of the Board of Officers, this grievance is non-actionable, and is denied with prejudice.
Ira Koslow
Rules & Elections Committee
Venice Neighborhood Council

<Selan - VNC Letter to Board Members 5-13-09.pdf>

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________     *                                        

On May 10, 2009, at 6:36 PM, Rick Selan wrote:

Appeal of Grievances  of 4-27-2009, received by DONE 4/27 /09 sent to VNC 4/28/09 

Appealed Again to DONE COMPLAINTS  5-10-09 Against VNC

To:    Annie Kwak, DONE Complaints, Bianca Vite and Bong Hwan Kim and City Council    

    Dear Ms. Kwak, Ms Vite, Mr. Kim, and DONE Complaints,

        VNC does not address grievances. Instead they continue to waste taxpayer money and have the same grievances challenged over and over always having either  Ira Koslow, Dexter O' Connell, or Joe D. Murphy unilaterally deny all grievances denied with prejudice. This might be one reason why the city is attempting to cut NC dollars for this type of bad behavior by the puppets of the BONC Chairperson and VNC Vice President Linda Lucks and VNC President Mike Newhouse. 

        The group named above which also includes their  "LAUSD Trickster Ivan Spiegel" appears to do anything directed from above ( OPD election below) to earn their goodie points. Over the coming days, we will see the direction of the city council and NC funds.
    Based on a " less than fair unilateral VNC grievance system" engineered by LAUSD "Trickster" and appointed VNC Parliamentarian Ivan Spiegel and Joe D. Murphy, LAUSD LACES Math Teacher and Appointed VNC Grievance Chair Ira Koslow continues to deny all VNC grievances and appeals of grievances as non-actionable  based on prejudice. Several of these grievances involved Mr. Koslow's bad behavior and rather than recuse himself, he denied the grievances unilaterally any way based on prejudice. Teacher Koslow continues to use this "advocate's court agreement"  with LAUSD as a reason for his "bad behavior" at VNC meetings.

    Mr. Koslow and Mr. Spiegel operate as though they are protected from any consequences based on those from whom they take direction.

        Sadly BONC will not act as the President of BONC Linda Lucks is Vice President of VNC and the games continue. Please file this appeal on all grievances denied included below. Grievances include quite important community issues such as the Oakwood Park Cell Tower  and  the Venice OPD Election violations. There is no where to go in this city to make a complaint regarding unfair grievance systems in NC's in LA except through DONE Complaints. 

        Please file this multiple grievance immediately. Peace. Change. Hope.

        In unity for accountability, Rick Selan

May 10, 2009
Re: Grievance dated 4/27/2009; received by DONE 4/27/2009; sent to VNC 4/28/2009
Dear Mr. Selan,
Due to the fact that it does not address an actual action of the Board of Officers, this grievance is non-actionable, and is denied with prejudice.
It is also suggested that Mr. Selan get help in defining the difference between "based on prejudice" and "denied with prejudice". The latter is a legal term.
Ira Koslow
Rules & Elections Committee
Venice Neighborhood Council

On Apr 27, 2009, at 12:29 AM, Rick Selan wrote:
Penguin Educational Advocates    (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?”    1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date:04-27-09    Venice, CA 90291

Appeal of Grievances  of 4-8-09  and 4-21-09, received by DONE 4/21/09 sent to VNC 4/21/09 

Appealed Again to DONE COMPLAINTS  4-27-09

To:    Annie Kwak, DONE Complaints, Bianca Vite and Bong Hwan Kim     

    Based on a " less than fair unilateral VNC grievance system" engineered by LAUSD "Trickster" and appointed VNC Parliamentarian Ivan Spiegel and Joe D. Murphy, LAUSD LACES Math Teacher and Appointed VNC Grievance Chair Ira Koslow continues to deny all VNC grievances and appeals of grievances as non-actionable  based on prejudice. Several of these grievances involved Mr. Koslow's bad behavior and rather than recuse himself, he denied the grievances unilaterally any way based on prejudice. Teacher Koslow continues to use this "advocate's court agreement"  with LAUSD as a reason for his "bad behavior" at VNC meetings.

    Mr. Koslow and Mr. Spiegel operate as though they are protected from any consequences based on those from whom they take direction.

        Sadly BONC will not act as the President of BONC Linda Lucks is Vice President of VNC and the games continue. Please file this appeal on all grievances denied included below. Grievances include quite important community issues such as the Oakwood Park Cell Tower  and  the Venice OPD Election violations. There is no where to go in this city to make a complaint regarding unfair grievance systems in NC's in LA except through DONE Complaints. 

        Please file this multiple grievance immediately. Peace. Change. Hope.

        In unity for accountability, Rick Selan
    Koslow Unilateral Denial of All Grievances Based on Prejudice      4-26-09
April 26, 2009
Re: Grievance(s) dated 4/8/2009 or 4/21/2009, received by DONE 4/21/2009, sent to VNC 4/21/2009
Dear Mr. Selan,
Due to the fact that it (they) does (do) not address an (delete) actual action (s)of the Board of Officers, this (these) grievance (s) is (are) non-actionable, and is (are) denied with prejudice. Sorry for the parentheses, but upon a careful reading of the twenty (20) pages filed with DONE, it was unclear whether there was one or multiple grievances included in this missive.
Ira Koslow
Rules & Elections Committee
Venice Neighborhood Council


Appeal of Multiple  VNC Grievances ALL Denied Unilaterally By VNC Appointed Grievance Chair Ira Koslow  As Non-Actionable Based on Prejudice

Appeal of  4  Appealed Grievances Denied Unilaterally By VNC Grievance Chair and LAUSD Teacher  Ira Koslow  As Non-Actionable Based On Prejudice 

4  Grievances Included In Total

How Far Does The Monetary Alliance In Booster Club Creation Between VNC & Mark Twain  Middle Go?

Penguin Educational Advocates    (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?”    1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date:04-08-09    Venice, CA 90291

To:    Annie Kwak, DONE Complaints, and Bong Hwan Kim 

Grievance 0ne

April 8, 2009
Re: Grievance dated 3/29/2009, received by DONE 3/31/2009, sent to VNC 4/3/2009
Dear Mr. Selan,
Due to the fact that it does not address an actual action of the Board of Officers, this grievance is non-actionable, and is denied with prejudice.
Ira Koslow
Rules & Elections Committee
Venice Neighborhood Council

 To:    Annie Kwak, DONE Complaints, and Bong Hwan Kim     Appeal of Appealed  Grievance Below Denied Unilaterally By VNC Grievance Chair Ira Koslow With Prejudice dated 4-08-09; received by DONE on  3-31-09; sent to VNC on 4-03-09  regarding alleged  involvement between VNC Education Committee (Ivan Spiegel, Clarence Carter) and the Mark Twain Booster Club. 


Penguin Educational Advocates    (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?”    1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date:03-29-09    Venice, CA 90291

To:    Annie Kwak, DONE Complaints, and Bong Hwan Kim ( DONE Appealed VNC Grievance)
      Jefferson Crain, LAUSD Board Secretariat ( Supplement UCP Complaint)
      Jerry Thornton/ Janis Eiler, LAUSD Office of the Inspector General

Dear Annie Kwak, DONE Complaints,    Bong Hwan Kim

        Below is a copy of the unilateral denial of a VNC grievance regarding the denial of any existence of the involvement by the Venice Neighborhood Council Education Committee, chaired by appointed Chair Clarence Carter and the Mark Twain Booster Club, founded by Sylvia Shelp, who was part of a cover up in 2007 when Mark Twain lost its PTA Charter from the 10TH District PTA for lack of ethics and fair play and alleged missing funds.  As one reads in the unilateral denial of the grievance by appointed Grievance Chair Ira Koslow, who denies all grievances unilaterally based on prejudice, states there is no involvement by VNC in the Mark Twain Booster Club.

    According to Ivan Spiegel , who has done less than ethical and legal actions at Mark Twain for a contract and appears a silent member of VNC Education, and VNC Outreach Coordinator Mark Saltzberg, in their publication of "Your Venice",state the VNC Education Committee worked directly with the Mark Twain Booster Club. Why can't Mr. Koslow see the involvement?  Below Mr. Koslow's ( LAUSD LACES Math Teacher) unilateral denial of the grievance, the reader can conclude that Mr. Koslow continues his prejudice and mean spirit that appears to be directed from members of the LAUSD Good Ol' Boys and Girls Club inside LAUSD District 3 Operations,  certain members of CD11,and DONE.

    Please file this appealed grievance as soon as possible. This will be sent to the LAUSD Board Secretariat for inclusion in the UCP Complaint already filed. Peace.
                                           In unity for accountability,
                                                        Rick Selan

March 29, 2009
Re: Grievance dated 3/23/2009; received by DONE 3/24/2009; sent to VNC 3/25/2009
Dear Mr. Selan,
Due to the fact that it does not address an actual action of the Board of Officers nor has anything whatsoever to do with the Venice Neighborhood Council, this grievance is non-actionable, and is denied with prejudice. 
Ira Koslow
Rules & Elections Committee
Venice Neighborhood Council
    Mr. Carter, and Mr. Spiegel, How about some answers ? What happened to this Twain  Booster?

Mr. Koslow, Why do you state this connection between Mark Twain Middle Booster Club and VNC Education does not exist?
 "Your Venice" Publication Put out by Ivan Spiegel/ Mark Saltzberg, VNC Outreach
Venice Neighborhood Council Wraps Up a Productive 2008  
Last year was a busy one for the 
Venice Neighborhood Council (VNC), and 
that work is paying off for the commu- 
nity.  Whether it was establishing weekly 
office hours at the Venice Farmers Market, 
working with Abbot Kinney merchants 
and the Venice Chamber of Commerce 
to create First Fridays on Abbot Kinney, 
or starting the Your Venice newsletter, 
the VNC is more visible, accessible and 
accountable to the community than ever. 
In addition to expanding outreach 
and accessibility in Venice, the VNC has 
worked hard to develop partnerships with 
our neighbors and the City of Los Angeles. 
For example, in 2008 the VNC awarded 
$40,000 in Community Improvement Funds 
to nineteen individuals and organizational 
applicants in Venice.  The VNC also teamed 
up with Councilman Rosendahl, Chrysalis 
Enterprises, the Department of Recre- 
ation and Parks and the Bureau of Sani- 
tation to fund, install, and service twelve 
recycling stations on Venice Beach, and 
another sixty recycling/trash bins through 
pedestrian-heavy areas of Venice. The 
VNC has also joined forces with the LAPD, 
the Community Police Advisory Board and 
Venice 2000 to increase safety in Venice.    
Much of the work of the VNC is initi- 
ated by our committees. Our Education 
Committee has worked with Mark Twain 
Middle School to re-establish its Booster 
Club. The Land Use and Planning Commit- 
tee (LUPC) have begun involving neighbor- 
hood associations in its review of hundreds 
of land use applications per year. Notify- 
ing the associations of planned develop- 
ments in their areas helps the VNC better 
address the specific needs of unique 
neighborhoods within Venice. Our Neigh- 
borhoods Committee has also been instru- 
mental in working with the city to develop 
an emergency response plan for Venice. ..  Peace. Rick Selan
        _____________________________________________________________                VNC Program Administrator Ivan Spiegel Places Onus of Responsibility Regarding Mark Twain Booster Club Article on VNC Outreach  Director Marc Saltzberg

Penguin Educational Advocates    (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?”    1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date:03-30-09    Venice, CA 90291

To: Marc Saltzberg, Outreach Coordinator VNC
 cc:  Michelle King, District 3 Superintendent
       Linda Kay, District 3 Middle School Specialist
      Sean Kimbrough, District 3 Fiscal Specialist
       Marlene Canter, LAUSD Board Member
        Shirley Ford, LAPU

From : Rick Selan, Educational Advocate

Re:    Mark Twain Booster Club and VNC Education   Where is the Truth?

    Tonight at VNC Education there were six individuals present. Besides VNC Education Board members Clarence Carter, Andre Bollinger, and Brooke Soles, were VNC Program Administrator for Community Projects Ivan Spiegel; Rick Selan, Mark Twain LSLC Member and educational advocate, and Shirley Ford, Lead Community Organizer, LAPU.

    Ms. Ford did an outstanding presentation on the “Parent Revolution” and the need for more parent involvement at the Middle School Level. Her material was quite powerful regarding parent involvement in accordance with real reform across the city schools.

    Appointed Educational Chair Clarence Carter forgot to place on the agenda the item this advocate requested regarding VNC’s involvement in the Mark Twain Booster Club. As Program Administrator Spiegel keeps insisting there is no need for minutes, there remains no transcript, other than this advocate's taped recording of the meeting and the cover up.

    VNC Program Administrator (appointed parliamentarian) Ivan Spiegel stated he knew nothing about the comments written into “Your Venice” stating “ Much of the work of the VNC is initiated by our committees. Our Education Committee has worked with Mark Twain Middle School to reestablish its Booster Club...

    “Reestablish its Booster Club” is a false statement as Mark Twain has never had a Booster Club. At a previous meeting VNC Program Administrator Ivan Spiegel spoke on how he as a member of VNC  was called by the Mark Twain Principal Raul Fernandez to come to Mark Twain to turn the Trust Fund Accounts in the Mark Twain Student Body Funds into a Booster Club.  Program Administrator Spiegel stated this Booster Club, never discussed at Mark Twain councils, was already active. The school and Bureau of Corporations denies this.

    Now, VNC Program Administrator Spiegel states he was called in by Mark Twain Principal Raul Fernandez as an independent contractor, not part of VNC.

    When asked who wrote the above quote into “Your Venice”, he placed to onus of responsibility on you, Marc Saltzberg, stating you are the one who will supply the response.

    Mr. Saltzberg, as VNC Outreach Coordinator and former President of the Westside Democratic Club, who wrote that line into the “Your Venice” VNC newsletter and why are you allowing the onus of responsibility to fall on Program Administrator Spiegel as he stated you were in charge?

    Was Mr. Spiegel working as an independent contractor called into Mark Twain to deal with the Booster or was he part of VNC as the article indicates.? Its time the Mark Twain Booster Club and VNC Education involvement demonstrate transparency and accountability. Sadly, by his smirks, Program Administrator Spiegel treats this as a joke.

    There is definitely game playing going on and Program Administrator Spiegel expects you to supply the answer. Please respond by April 3, 2009 or a grievance and Supplemental 133 Complaint will be filed with LAUSD. Peace.

                                           In unity for accountability,

                                                       Rick Selan

On Apr 1, 2009, at 7:55 PM, Rick Selan wrote:
Dear Mr. Saltzberg,

Mr. Spiegel has stated on 3-30-09   he was involved in the Mark Twain Booster Club at VNC Education . As to whom wrote the article you speak of below, Mr. Spiegel told me to contact you for the individual who wrote  the statement as you are in charge of "Your Venice". Mr. Carter also mentioned he was involved in numerous Venice School Booster Clubs he is involved. My concern regarding accountability and oversight is Mark Twain as the article mentions . Please share with me who wrote the blue line below into "Your Venice" and how was the information obtained. This goes a few steps further.

Peace. Change. Hope. 

In unity for accountability, Rick Selan

On Apr 1, 2009, at 3:59 PM, Marc Saltzberg wrote:
Dear Mr. Selan:
As you point out, I have not yet replied to your email. The fact of the matter is that I am not sure how to respond. You write:
Was Mr. Spiegel working as an independent contractor called into Mark Twain to deal with the Booster or was he part of VNC as the article indicates.?
As you point out, the article says:
Much of the work of the VNC is initiated by our committees. Our Education Committee has worked with Mark Twain Middle School to reestablish its Booster Club
The article does not mention Mr. Speigel nor attribute any role to him (by the way, I have no knowledge about the concern you have expressed). Your question about his status goes far beyond the content of the article - so I really can't respond in any meaningful way. 
Marc Saltzberg


From: Rick Selan <>
To: Marc Saltzberg <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:06:48 PM
Subject: Re: VNC & Mark Twain Middle To Create Coalition To Attract 5th Grade Parents Through Gastronomic Enticement

On Mar 31, 2009, at 11:04 PM, Rick Selan wrote:
2nd Request to VNC Outreach Coordinator Marc Saltzberg on VNC-Mark Twain Booster Club

Penguin Educational Advocates (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?” 1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date:03-31-09 Venice, CA 90291

To:       Marc Saltzberg, Outreach Coordinator VNC

From : Rick Selan, Educational Advocate

  Re: Feed The People Well and They Will Come

Dear VNC Outreach Chairperson Marc Saltzberg,

I have yet to receive a reply from you regarding the e-mail below.  Please reply as requested.

What I forgot to include in my e-mail below were the preparations discussed last night  by appointed VNC Educational Chair  Clarence Carter to prepare a gastronomic enticement  for 5th grade parents by recruiting various eating establishments in Venice to set up a feast to recruit parents  to send their children to Mark Twain for 6th grade.

 While I find this very kind on the part of VNC, I am concerned why they have not made a community plan  to present to Mark Twain Councils to assist the school in after school and school day volunteer  programs as  Mark Twain  is in its tenth year as a  low performing  school which is noted as PI 5. Venice High is a PI 2  school.  None of the Venice elementary schools are in the low performing ranks.

While VNC Program Administrator of Funds Ivan Spiegel and Clarence Carter have been working on creating a Mark Twain Booster Club with a 
parent who was involved in Mark Twain losing it's  10th District PTA Charter  in 2007 due to lack of ethics and apparent misappropriation of funds, this "Booster Club",  its bylaws, and 501c3 clearance, have never been discussed with any Mark Twain School Council.  This Mark Twain LSLC member and educational advocate has concerns  about the transparency and oversight by VNC and Mark Twain of this Booster Club, if it exists. Mr. Spiegel has laid the onus of responsibility to explain this Booster Club on you, the elected leader of Outreach.

Much credit needs to be given to Clarence Carter for setting up this planned gastronomic enticement. Program Administrator of VNC Funds worked with VNC  Education to complete an application last night  so they would in all probability receive some funds when the Board makes a decision on who receives funds. To this advocate, the VNC Program  Administrator of Funds remains everyone's friend by promising them all part of the pie.

Please post the date of the Mark Twain gastronomic enticement so the whole community might enjoy the pork. At the same time, might you propose that every Venice school has the opportunity for an evening of gastronomic enticement. VNC continues to pick favorites and ignores the rest. Peace.

In unity for accountability,

Rick Selan
Grievance 2 VNC- OPD Election Report By DONE Never Filed

    After the numerous complaints from both sides in the VENICE OPD Election were sent to DONE, a team from 
DONE including Bong Hwan Kim, Lelah Campos, Amber Meshack and Cladia Dunn was formed to send a letter to
 VNC and the community explaining what type of consequences and/or actions DONE will be taking regarding the bad
 behavior of the VNC Appointed Election and Rules Chair Ira Koslow  and the appointed OPD Election Chairperson 
Ivan Spiegel, both with ties to LAUSD District 3 which involve VNC regarding their actions to bilaterally move the ballots before counting into an awaiting Toyota as well as Mr. Koslow taking with him all signed off ballots by poll judges of ballots not yet voted.These ballots returned to a new site the next morning.

    To date, the team named above has not submitted any paper work.

      Penguin Educational Advocates    (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?”    1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date:03-29-09    Venice, CA 90291

To:    Annie Kwak, DONE Complaints, and Bong Hwan Kim ( DONE Appealed VNC Grievance)
      Jefferson Crain, LAUSD Board Secretariat
    Barbara Perttula/ Sue Spears, Educational Equity( Supplement UCP Complaint)
      Jerry Thornton/ Janis Eiler, LAUSD Office of the Inspector General

Dear Annie Kwak, DONE Complaints,    Bong Hwan Kim

        Below is a copy of the unilateral denial of a VNC grievance regarding the denial of any existence of the
 involvement by the Venice Neighborhood Council Education Committee, chaired by appointed Chair Clarence Carter and the Mark Twain Booster Club, founded by Sylvia Shelp, who was part of a cover up in 2007 when Mark Twain lost its PTA Charter from the 10TH District PTA for lack of ethics and fair play and alleged missing funds.  As one reads in the unilateral denial of the grievance by appointed Grievance Chair Ira Koslow, who 
denies all grievances unilaterally based on prejudice, states there is no involvement by VNC in the Mark 
Twain Booster Club.

    According to Ivan Spiegel , who has done less than ethical and legal actions at Mark Twain for a contract and appears a silent member of VNC Education, and VNC Outreach Coordinator Mark Saltzberg, in their 
publication of "Your Venice",state the VNC Education Committee worked directly with the Mark Twain Booster Club. Why can't Mr. Koslow see the involvement?  Below Mr. Koslow's ( LAUSD LACES Math Teacher) unilateral denial of the grievance, the reader can conclude that Mr. Koslow continues his prejudice and mean spirit 
that appears to be directed from members of the LAUSD Good Ol' Boys and Girls Club inside LAUSD District 3 Operations,  certain members of CD11,and DONE.

    Please file this appealed grievance as soon as possible. This will be sent to the LAUSD Board Secretariat
 for inclusion in the UCP/133  Complaint already filed. Peace.
                In unity for accountability,
                Rick Selan

March 29, 2009
Re: Grievance dated 3/23/2009; received by DONE 3/24/2009; sent to VNC 3/25/2009
Dear Mr. Selan,
Due to the fact that it does not address an actual action of the Board of Officers nor has anything whatsoever
 to do with the Venice Neighborhood Council, this grievance is non-actionable, and is denied with
Ira Koslow
Rules & Elections Committee
Venice Neighborhood Council
        __________________________________________________________________                            Mr. Carter, and Mr. Spiegel, How about some answers ? What happened to this Twain Booster?

Mr. Koslow, Why do you state this connection between Mark Twain Middle Booster Club and VNC
 Education does not exist?
 "Your Venice" Publication Put out by Ivan Spiegel/ Mark Saltzberg, VNC Outreach
Venice Neighborhood Council Wraps Up a Productive 2008  
Last year was a busy one for the 
Venice Neighborhood Council (VNC), and 
that work is paying off for the commu- 
nity.  Whether it was establishing weekly 
office hours at the Venice Farmers Market, 
working with Abbot Kinney merchants 
and the Venice Chamber of Commerce 
to create First Fridays on Abbot Kinney, 
or starting the Your Venice newsletter, 
the VNC is more visible, accessible and 
accountable to the community than ever. 
In addition to expanding outreach 
and accessibility in Venice, the VNC has 
worked hard to develop partnerships with 
our neighbors and the City of Los Angeles. 
For example, in 2008 the VNC awarded 
$40,000 in Community Improvement Funds 
to nineteen individuals and organizational 
applicants in Venice.  The VNC also teamed 
up with Councilman Rosendahl, Chrysalis 
Enterprises, the Department of Recre- 
ation and Parks and the Bureau of Sani- 
tation to fund, install, and service twelve 
recycling stations on Venice Beach, and 
another sixty recycling/trash bins through 
pedestrian-heavy areas of Venice. The 
VNC has also joined forces with the LAPD, 
the Community Police Advisory Board and 
Venice 2000 to increase safety in Venice.    
Much of the work of the VNC is initi- 
ated by our committees. Our Education 
Committee has worked with Mark Twain 
Middle School to re-establish its Booster 
Club. The Land Use and Planning Commit- 
tee (LUPC) have begun involving neighbor- 
hood associations in its review of hundreds 
of land use applications per year. Notify- 
ing the associations of planned develop- 
ments in their areas helps the VNC better 
address the specific needs of unique 
neighborhoods within Venice. Our Neigh- 
borhoods Committee has also been instru- 
mental in working with the city to develop 
an emergency response plan for Venice. ..  Peace. Rick Selan

 Grievance 3 and Grievance 4

Grievance 3. Appeal  of  34 Collective Grievances denied on November 11, 2008 and on November 16, 2008 and on November 30, 2008 and on December 17, 2008 and on Jan.5, 2009 and on January 19, 2009  and on February 28, 2009 by LACES Math Teacher and VNC appointed Grievance Chair Ira Koslow as he continues to deny these grievances unilaterally  as non-actionable based on prejudice.    

Grievance 4     Appeal of Unilateral Grievances  Regarding  T-Mobile  Cell  Tower  Built at Oakwood Park and Supplement Denied Unilaterally  as non-actionable and denied with prejudice byVNC  Grievance Chair Ira Koslow  on December 17, 2008.

To:    On Dec 17, 2008, at 10:28 PM, Rick Selan wrote:
Penguin Educational Advocates    (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?”    1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date: 12-17-08    Venice, CA 90291

To:    Annie Kwak, DONE Complaints, and Bong Hwan Kim        

 Unilateral Denial By VNC Grievance Chair Ira Koslow Denied With Prejudice

December 17, 2008
Re: Grievance dated 12/1/2008, received by DONE 12/2/2008, sent to VNC 12/2/2008
Dear Mr. Selan,
Due to the fact that it and the accompanying appeals do not address a actual actions of the Board of Officers, this grievance is non-actionable, and is denied with prejudice.
Ira Koslow
Rules & Elections Committee
Venice Neighborhood Council
Appeal to DONE     34  Collective Grievances and  VNC Oakwood T-Mobile Cell Tower Grievance Filed Against VNC Regarding  Less Than Fair Play and Ethical Procedures In VNC  Grievance Practice

    Please file  the appealed 34 Collective Grievances,  the Oakwood Park VNC  T-Mobile Cell Tower Grievance and the Supplements to the VNC T-Mobile Cell Grievance  denied on November 11, 2008 and on November 16, 2008  and on November 30, 2008 by LACES Math Teacher and VNC appointed Grievance Chair Ira Koslow as he continues todeny these grievances unilaterally  as non-actionable based on prejudice.

    Joe D. Murphy, Dexter O’Connell and LACES Math Teacher Ira Koslow ( the VNC Grievance Committee)  take turns in this position.   Appointed VNC Parliamentarian Ivan Spiegel , who attends most meetings of the committee, appears to be the silent leader of this grievance committee. 
    This orchestrated unilateral grievance process was set up when VNC appointed Parliamentarian Ivan Spiegel "bamboozled" Grievance member Michael Eschger into agreeing with his unilateral grievance policy. As the vote was 1-1, Mr. Spiegel was successful to continue this unfair process. A few months later, Mr. Eschger resigned from VNC along with Erica Harms. Former VNC Grievance Chair Dexter O'Connell shared with me the bad behavior shown by Ivan Spiegel.

    Mr. Koslow continues to believe he can be his own judge and jury. As in the past, rather than deal with fact, Mr. Koslow believes he is a psychologist rather than a math teacher. These are tactics used by elected VNC members and Ivan Spiegel to attack character. Please file the appealed grievance as soon as possible. As always, I appreciate your time and effort. 

    Change has come. Allow time for DONE and its leader Bong Hwan Kim to "stop the circle game" and stop the "bad behavior by the VNC Grievance  committee and  orchestrator Ivan Spiegel". 

 Peace. Rick Selan


To:    DONE Complaints, Annie Kwak, Bong Hwan Kwak          11-16-08

APPEAL Grievance 11-16-08  of VNC Cell Tower  Grievance of 11-6-08

    Sadly, I must use this first paragraph for the reader to understand there is involved in these grievance unilateral denials retaliation that goes far deeper than the grievances themselves. This is about "cover up" and "less than fair play with tax payer money" This dates back to the first covered up VNC Grievance related to LAUSD/ VNC  dated  December, 2005 that has never stopped.
    Using the style of the LAUSD Good Ole' Boys and Girls Club, LACES Teacher and VNC Appointed Grievance Chair Person Ira Koslow, who works in collaboration with  LAUSD District D/ 3 Trickster Ivan Spiegel (appointed VNC Parliamentarian), continues to make accusations regarding facts Koslow refuses to address. There is a clear link between LAUSD and VNC that has been covered up since 2005. This original  2005 grievance  was the beginning of this dispute as there was cover up and a "grievance hearing" similar to Guantanamo Bay.  LAUSD held regularly and might still hold training sessions by Legal at the Biltmore for individuals  like Teacher Koslow to learn how to attack character through LAUSD "mean spirited garble" and no fact. Mr. Koslow serves as the VNC unilateral decision maker as Grievance Chairperson who denies all grievances filed by this advocate, even against himself, as non-actionable based on discrimination. How deep does the connection go?

    Mr. Koslow now denies unilaterally all public records regarding the Oakwood cell tower that may or may not exist yet a copy of documents shared by the CD11 Deputy Wendy Blumenfeld at a meeting on Wednesday produced records indicating registered mail was sent to VNC by a company in Huntington Beach regarding the cell tower. At the VNC LUPC Meeting on November 12, 2008, the Bureau of Engineers who presented the case stated they also sent a letter or e-mail to VNC regarding T-Mobile's application in June , 2008. VNC Elected representative Carolyn Rios stated she saw paper work at the Construction site by the individual in charge dated 2006. All of this will be included below in the supplement below sent to DONE Complaints and others November 14, 2008.

    Radiation does not discriminate rich v. poor or fair vs.  unfair. VNC needs to turn over all public records ,if any, in their possession with no more games. Attorney and VNC President Mike Newhouse, who appears to be groomed to replace the CD11 Council person , shows his ability with language and his insistence no public records exist by VNC or CD11 regarding the Oakwood Cell Tower.  

    This advocate is appreciative of the cell tower meeting held by LUPC at Oakwood Park on November 12, 2008 and the actions they have taken. In the interim , let us make sure all public records by the Bureau of Engineers, the 2006 document seen by Carolyn Rios, the public records of VNC and  CD11 concerning this cell tower are released. Peace
                                          In unity for accountability, Rick Selan

Penguin Educational Advocates    (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?”    1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date: 12-09-08    Venice, CA 90291

 To:         Carl Mills, Bureau of Engineers , Telecom and Case Manager
       Jeff La Dou, Bureau of Engineers  Manager Analyst 2
               Ted Lieu, Ca. State Assembly person  
       Jane Harman, member U.S. House of Representatives
       Mark Antonio Grant, Special Deputy to Bill Rosendahl
cc:       Sophia Pina Cortez, Westside Superintendent Parks and Recs
        Lizka Mendoza/ Fred Grant, Oakwood Park Director/  PAB President           Kevin Regan, Assistant General Manager LA City Parks and Recreation
                DONE, Bong Hwan Kim
                LA City Council
                Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor Los Angeles
From:     Rick Selan, Educational Advocate

Re:      T-Mobile Zoning & Government Affairs Manager Places Blame For Cell Tower at Oakwood Park on Jeff La Dou and Bureau of LA City Engineers

Dear Mr. Mills , Mr. La Dou, Assembly Person Lieu, Congressperson Harmon and Special Deputy Grant,

    This evening there was a meeting of the leaders of the Committee to Remove the Oakwood Cell Tower, the Oakwood Park Board, and “Joe” the T-Mobile man Thompson who drove up all the way from his San Clemente Home to justify why he chose Oakwood Park with  three schools, a park, and a church to build a 47.5 ft. cell towers  over five other “search rings” (sites)  in the area that were compatible for the Tower.

    Ole’ Joe acted as he had  no idea VNC President and Attorney for Riley and Associates had a cell tower easily removed from his Extra Space Storage Area where VNC conducts meetings nor was he aware of the cell tower removed by those in the Marina with high priced Attorneys to preserve Ballona Wetlands and their Marina neighborhood. 

    Ole’ Joe placed blame on Mr.  Jeff La Dou (Board of Engineers) for not informing T-Mobile that Oakwood is covered by the Venice Specific Plan as specified by the Coastal Commission and no structure may be built higher than 30 ft. The cell tower built as a surprise to even the Oakwood Park Director is 47.5 feet. Ole’ Joe , no different than Mr. La Dou and CD11, appeared anything but knowledgeable about the  cell tower being 17.5 feet over limit. Are these individuals lacking in communication skills or do they really believe those in Oakwood will not stand up for their rights ?

    The document lists the date as February 15, 2008 with a engineer’s date of February 14, 2008. When were the Marina and the Newhouse Cell Tower’s removed? Was there a correlation in dates with the sudden building at Oakwood with not even the Park Diretor being notified? 

    Why’ would Ole’Joe come all the way from San Clemente and not bring the permit for the cell tower nor the fiver other sites that were rejected before the Oakwood Park Site was chosen. Ole’ Joe was more concerned about a dropped call that the health and welfare of a community. He insisted we contact the American Cancer Society.

    The VNC Board, after LUPC approval,  sent a letter to CD11 and to the Board of Engineers strongly recommending the cell tower come down. VNC Oakwood Representative Stan Muhammad would not get involved.

    VNC told community after they sent their letter to CD11  that it was up to the community to form their own committee to remove the cell tower. VNC had done their part.

    It appears VNC wanted to get in and get out very quickly and they truly wanted no involvement. Might they have already had involvement with CD 11 that is being covered up?  It will be interesting to see if Ole’ Joe sends all the documents requested that  he promised to send o the Park Director.

    Ole’ Joe wanted to show kindness so he threw a $500 check in front of the Oakwood Park Director and told the group it was in appreciation as OlE’ Joe knew the Park Board was to vote on whether they were willing to allow T-Mobile to remove a fence/ gate and move it 10 feet. 

    The Board then discussed if they wanted a check from T-Mobile as no one was happy with Ole’ Joe throwing a check at the popular Director. It was then discovered that the check was not from T-Mobile but was a $500 donation from Gold Coast Construction Company  in Huntington Beach. Why would T-Mobile pass out a check from a company whose business category is single family house construction in Huntington Beach who are General Contractors for Single -family houses?  The company has a total of 2 employees. The contact is Damien Zanoni. This seems very strange.

    VNC has dropped off the radar on the cell tower in Oakwood as has CD11. Community has received a reply from the office of State Assembly person Ted Lieu informing this member of the cell tower committee their office is investigating.

    Why does VNC President and Attorney Mike Newhouse state that Oakwood Park is not protected by the Venice Specific Plan?  Why not build the cell tower at Penmar Golf course or build it  back up at Extra Space Storage?  

    When this advocate left, a closed door session was beginning as the Park Board was voting to decide to approve the moving of the Park fence, hold off on a decision , or just say, “No” to the requested 10 foot move.

    It was very clear from Ole’ San Clemente Joe  the onus of responsibility belongs to Jeff La Dou from the Board of Engineers. Ole’ Joe also  told us numerous times  he has a cell tower in his back yard in San Clemente.

    Might Attorney Newhouse, CD11 Rosendahl, and LUPC Chair Challis Macpherson also remind Ole’ Joe and Mr. La Dou that the Venice Specific Plan is in effect and we welcome everyone to join us at the next Coastal Commission meeting.

    Until America goes metric, 30 feet is still 30 feet. 30 feet is not 47.5 feet. Radiation does not discriminate rich v. poor.  Why did no one ever bring up that a land survey of the Oakwood Park Property was completed February 15, 2007.?  Still no one takes responsibility, not even Ole’ Joe because in the minds of T-Mobile , the Board of Engineers failed to communicate. 

    The committee is determined that the tower will come down. Peace. 

                                                   In unity for accountability,

                                                                Rick Selan 

Dear Annie Kwak, Done Complaints and Bong Hwan Kim,

    Please add these supplements to my November 16  VNC Cell Tower grievance regarding public records

To:    Challis Mac Pherson, VNC LUPC Chairperson             11-14-08

Dear Ms. Mac Pherson,

    You ,  appointed VNC Grievance Chair and LACES Teacher Ira  Koslow, and appointed VNC Parliamentarian and LAUSD District D Trickster Ivan Spiegal  continue to retaliate and discriminate against those who question the VNC Grievance Committee's "less than fair play" . This advocate signed up for this cellular  committee at the Wednesday night meeting at Oakwood Park. Please include me on this committee as I have spent multiple hours doing research and writing letters on behalf of the residents of Venice Oakwood and those involved in Oakwood Park. Please put your bias aside and play fairly. You might inform your Grievance Chair Ira Koslow that his unilateral decision to deny a grievance on this cellular tower as non-actionable and denied with prejudice without any discussion as far as the public records that VNC has received violates the rights of every Oakwood Resident and every resident of Los Angeles. 

    All of  those in Venice and all of the Neighborhood Councils in  Los Angeles should combine forces to make sure none of these cell towers are built within 1,000 feet of parks, schools, and all houses of worship. It will take an united front to ban together to regulate these cell towers. Stop the exclusion and think about the children.    Peace. Rick Selan

From: "Challis Macpherson" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 10:59:01 -0800

Subject: Cellular installation on 7th Avenue

Dear All:
At the LUPC meeting Wednesday, I asked that any stakeholders that wanted to be notified of further developments on the cellular installation on 7th Avenue next to Oakwood Rec to sign the sign-in sheet.  I said that if necessary we could form a committee to look into this and any other cellular installations in Venice.  Please respond if you want a committee formed. 
The recording of this meeting should be transcribed no later than November 26th.  It will be posted on the LUPC section of VNC web site.  
This email is to nearby residents and those stakeholders that left their email addresses on the sign-in sheet.  Some of the stakeholders attending Wednesday’s LUPC meeting didn’t write down their email.  They are listed below.  Perhaps they could be notified by other residents.  Appreciate it.
Michel Powell-Williams, 534 Westminster
Pat Powell, 534 Westminster
Bernice Harris, 664 Brooks
Maria McCready, 716 Nowita
Deb Lemon, 942 Superba
Pam Anderson, 615 San Juan
Also, please check for correct spelling of email addresses on the “to” line above, and send any corrections back to me.
For your information, below is the LUPC recommendation I sent to be placed on the board agenda for November 18, 2008.  That meeting will be at the Westminster Elementary School starting at 7:00 pm.  Please spread the word about this meeting.  There were many people that couldn’t attend the LUPC meeting because of prior commitments.  
Board agenda attached.  This is Item 7 II.
 “LUPC recommends that the VNC Board send a letter to Bill Rosendahl and relevant city departments, including but not limited to Bureau of Engineering, requesting that they repeal the utility permit on the installation on a utility pole near the intersection of 7th Avenue and Westminster Avenue, and remove the cellular installation totally because:

(1) There was improper notification to the surrounding residents and the VNC and lack of follow-through;
(2) No Coastal Development Permit was obtained; and
(3) Failure to comply with VCZSP, particularly with regard to height requirements for the Oakwood sub-area, see VCZSP Section […to be inserted… ].”
Motion made by Jim Murez, seconded by Arnold Springer and unanimously passed.
Please be assured that in no way am I trying to orchestrate this; but if a lot of people show up to oppose the cellular installation and support the LUPC recommendation, it would be expedient to submit a Speaker Card and indicate, on the Speaker Card, that you are in favor of Agenda Item 7 II, the LUPC recommendation, (if you are indeed in favor) and in lieu of speaking would like to record your opinion.  Note:  all in lieu opinions will be tallied and announced prior to a vote on this item.  Copy of speaker card attached for your information.
This way all stakeholders at that board meeting register their approval (or disapproval) and their opinions are automatically tallied without having to speak if they don’t want to speak.  Some people don’t like to speak in public, but their opinions are vital to any democratic process. 
Please note that the representatives from the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) that spoke to us Wednesday also receive this email.  I will be contacting Mr. Mills Monday for an update on the BOE position and report that to the board Tuesday. 
Later, Challis
 number 2
On Nov 13, 2008, at 10:45 PM, Rick Selan wrote:
Laddie, You said it all very well. Let us hope LUPC carries out their mission. As I am a skeptic, I am pleased Ted Lieu's office is intervening. I too was quite surprised  that the Engineers knew nothing of the Venice Specific Plan; as well , I was quite surprised that VNC President  Newhouse did not know the height of the Tower.

I do hope when this is investigated, we might learn the truth. The tower must come down immediately. I too am quite curious who from Park's and Rec's signed off on this digging underneath the park, Is there no oversight?

How these individuals from T-Mobile could begin work with never informing Liska Mendoza, the Oakwood Park Director, is a travesty. There is little respect from T-Mobile for the human condition. Why weren't T-Mobile present last night.  Peace. CARE. Rick Selan

On Nov 13, 2008, at 8:17 PM, wrote:
To All Greetings:
I sat and listened last night(11/12/08) in our Venice community LUPC meeting to B.O.E. explain about a cell tower that had followed all LAMC guidelines and because they'd been followed, T-Mobile was given permission to install a cell tower less then fifty feet from a preschool, with an enrollment of fifty children. Less then fifteen feet from a park on the right of way(which contractors of T-Mobile dug underneath the city park, and impeded pedestrian walking and street closures for three weeks,and put a tower in taller then the Public utility poles) where children and adults utilize the park on a daily basis. The placing of this cell tower in our community was done with no thought of the transmissions that will emit over our future(our children),but perhaps it was thought of but it needed to placed some where so why not across from a preschool,park and church. 
The fact that B.O.E. had no knowledge of the Venice Specific Plan left me to believe if they had no such knowledge of the height restrictions then thinking of the children and surrounding area makes sense. I realize federal guidelines supersede city but our children should be at least considered in this arena. 
I believe T-Mobile was given carte blanche to come in and do as they wish and no follow up was done by the B.O.E.or the Department Of Building and Safety. The registered letters to inform First Baptist church and CD11, VNC were sent but no one received them.

I am appalled that Parks and Rec's signed off on T-Mobile digging underneath the park ( I wonder whomever signed off ever cared about a child?). 

I must say that I applaud LUPC for doing what's right and asking that this tower be removed from our neighborhood. I hope the wishes of the Venice community and LUPC will be respected and the tower removed with the same expediency that it was erected. I hope Los Angeles City makes more restrictions on big corporations with it's application process. 
Laddie Williams
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

From: Rick Selan <>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 12:14:39 -0800
To: Molen, Stephanie<>
CC: <>; Jataun Valentine<>; Joslyn Williams<>; Loren R. Grossman<>; Lizka Mendoza<>; Kevin Regan<>; Sophia Pinacortez<>; Victoria Minetta<>; Gary Williams<>; Gary De La Rosa<>; <>; Mitchell Landsberg<>; Howard Blume<>; 'Vince Echavaria<>; <>; <>; Congresswoman Jane Harman<>; Mayor Villaraigosa<>; BongHwan Kim<>; Thomas Soong<>; Thomas D. Carter<>; lewis wong<>; Jeff Alpert<>; Marie Feeley<>; <>; Turner Turner<>
Subject: Re: Bureau of Engineers v. VNC v. CD 11 The Truth is Hard To Find VNC , the Affluent and the Environmentalists Get Rid of Their Cell Towers But Who Will Really Help Oakwood "Separate But Equal"?

Hi Ms. Molen,

   Welcome back. Please contact Lizka Mendoza, Director of Oakwood Park and Mr. Mills and Mr. La Dou from the Bureau of Engineers as well. As I have been retaliated continuously from VNC led by Mike Newhouse and his appointed grievance committee,
I find several of these individuals less than honorable. To deny all grievances unilaterally, including the cell tower, based on prejudice, goes a little too far.  I find this quite sad.

   I appreciate your swift handling of this matter.  Peace. Rick Selan

On Nov 13, 2008, at 10:23 AM, Molen, Stephanie wrote:
Hello Mr. Selan,
Thank you for you letters. As you may know I have been off State time for 2 months, and I have just returned. I am reading through your letters, and I will be contacting Mike Newhouse for more information.
I will keep you up to date on my progress.
Stephanie Molen
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Selan [
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 1:29 AM
To: BongHwan Kim; Kevin Regan; Mayor Villaraigosa; Assemblymember Lieu; Molen, Stephanie; Congresswoman Jane Harman;;; Tom Griego
Cc: Thomas Soong; Annie Kwak; DONE Complaints; Lizka Mendoza; Sophia Pinacortez;;; Gary Williams; Jataun Valentine; Richard Feibusch; Chris Williams; Loren R. Grossman; Bill Ring; Michelle King; Gene Kirshner - free childdren; Mitchell Landsberg; Howard Blume; Betsy Goldman; Clifford McClain;; lyd; Juan Guzman; Tommy Chang; Steve Barr; Thomas D. Carter; Mark Winter; Steve Hoye; Rockard J. Delgadillo; Veronica De La Cruz; Tom Griego; Council Member Parks; Councilman Eric Garcetti;; Council Member Hahn; Council Member Weiss; Councilmember Reyes;; Council Member Greuel; Council Member Perry; Councilmember Smith; Council Member Alarcon; Bill Rosendahl;; Tom Labonge; Joslyn Williams; Paul Levine;; Jeff Alpert; Marie Feeley;; Arturo Pińa;; 'Vince Echavaria; Deputy Chief Jeff Crawford;
Subject: Bureau of Engineers v. VNC v. CD 11 The Truth is Hard To Find VNC , the Affluent and the Environmentalists Get Rid of Their Cell Towers But Who Will Really Help Oakwood "Separate But Equal"?
Penguin Educational Advocates       (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?”  1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date: 11-12-08        Venice, CA 90291
To:           Kevin Regan, Assistant General Manager LA City Parks and Recreation
                DONE, Bong Hwan Kim
                LA City Council
                Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor Los Angeles
                Ted Lieu, Ca. State Assembly person 
                Jane Harman, member U.S. House of Representatives
                Carl Mills, Bureau of Engineers , Telecom and Case Manager

From:     Rick Selan, Educational Advocate
Re:          VNC LUPC Meets On Current Construction of Oakwood Community Cell Tower
                VNC Able To Get Rid of One Tower Near Meeting Location at Extra Storage
The Truth is  Covered Up On One or Several Fronts  While A “Less Than Affluent” Community Appears To Get Burnt Again
Dear Mayor Villaraigosa, Assembly person Lieu, Congressperson Harmon, LA City Council and Bureau of Engineers,
                For close to three weeks, T-Mobile has entered the Venice area of Oakwood and began construction of a 47.5 foot cell tower that violates the 30 foot height restriction of the Venice Specific Plan as Oakwood is part of the area covered by the Coastal Commission.
                Both the Council Office CD11 through Deputy Arturo Pina and VNC through LUPC Chair Person Challis Mac Pherson  and VNC President Mike Newhouse insisted they never received any notification of this cell tower being built. This is where “strange” enters the picture.
                When this advocate parked his car at the Park this evening, he parked next to two men who the advocate believed to be the Bureau of Engineers. This advocate had a direct talk with Jeff La Dou, Bureau of Engineers Management Analyst II and Carl Mills, Telecom and Case Manager. The engineers informed this avocate that a letter  of application was sent out on March 29, 2008 to VNC and CD11.
                The engineers stated their office also sent out on June 19, 2008 to VNC and CD11 a letter of T-Mobile’s completed application.
                When I sent public records requests to VNC and CD 11, VNC Secretary Joe D. Murphystated VNC had no records. VNC member Carolyn Rios sent a note  where she verified with the construction workers on site that they had paper work dated 2006. Arturo Pina from CD 11 informed me to ask the Bureau of Engineers which I did tonight.
                VNC President Mike Newhouse, who is apparently being groomed for  the CD11 throne, tonight told the meeting that neither he nor his good friend Bill Rosendahl received any thing from the Bureau of Engineers or T-Mobile. As he is a high priced attorney, he sounded very good. Was he being honorable?  I could not be sure after speaking directly to the Bureau of Engineers. 
                More confusion lies in an e-mail VNC President Newhouse sent to community advocate Laddie Williams:
From: "Mike Newhouse" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 16:03:50 -0800
To: <>
Subject: RE: Cell Tower In the Oakwood Area
Ideally, but there is no way to stop them short of a human barricade.  The company is operating under federal law which says that they don't need local permission to erect the tower so long as the emissions are within federal guidelines, which they claim they are.  The only way the proposed tower above X-Tra Space Storage was stopped was because it exceeded height limitations in the Venice Specific Plan.  This tower does not.
                Mr. Newhouse  knew tonight this tower was 47.5 feet, 17.5 feet over the limit set by the Specific Plan. Why did he write something totally different to Advocate Williams?
                In the middle of all the confusion a person stating she was with CD11 by the name of Wendy Blumenfeldt then passed out copies dated 3-24-08 of dated mail receipts each costing $9.91 for registered mail to VNC, CD11, and the First Baptist Church of Venice from Jason Kozora, Trillium Consulting Inc.,; 5912 Bolsa Ave. Ste. 202  Huntington Beach, Ca. 92649. Apparently Mr. Koroza works in some capacity for T-Mobile. Why didn't Oakwood Park get a letter?
                Why did Ms. Blumenfeldt wait until the end of the close to 2 hour discussion to share this? Did CD11 receive these March 24, 2008 documents that Mr. Newhouse stated Mr. Rosendahl’s office did not receive? All of this is blurry and does not add up.
                Ruth Seroussi, the significant other of President Newhouse, began her  yells when this advocate spoke out when Mr. Newhouse was given over 3 minutes to speak after all others were limited to 2 minutes. “Separate but equal”. Her game playing is nothing new.
                LUPC adopted a motion to repeal the permit and have the Tower removed based on “improper notification” and violation of the Venice Specific Plan  as Oakwood Park is 6 blocks to the beach and protected by the height restriction of nothing being  built higher than 30 ft.
                The grievance filed will remain as protection to those who live in Oakwood, those who use Oakwood Park, the preschool, the church, Broadway Elementary and Animo Venice. VNC’s manner to deal with grievances is to unilaterally deny them with prejudice. This unjust policy turns many in Venice away from VNC as the organization uses "mean spirit" rather than collaboration to resolve disputes.
                Again why weren’t letters ever sent to notify Oakwood Park and the preschool since letters were sent to the Church, VNC and CD11? Again blurry and gray. Were T-Mobile being honorable in following through on there registered letters? 
                Too many people with too many self interests.
                Finally, Oakwood Park Director Lizka Mendoza and the West side Superintendent Sophia Pina Cortez have done an incredible job rebuilding Oakwood Park back to an outstanding status following best practices. We, the community, owe Lizka the           respect to get this cell tower removed now. 
                If the affluent and the environmentalists in the Marina Peninsula  can remove the tower from their neighborhood, and the  VNC President can remove a tower near VNC’s meeting place, we the community ask for our elected officials assistance to help us remove this T-MOBILE Cell Tower now from Oakwood. Peace. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                In unity for accountability,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rick Selan
P.S. VNC  LUPC continues to cover up the Walgrove Elementary Park and Walking/ Jogging Area for Seniors , Physically Challenged and those who need a safe walking area.
Less than Fact: From VNC
On Nov 8, 2008, at 10:55 AM, Challis Macpherson wrote:
I was asked to forward any information I had about cell towers and I did so.  I forwarded the Argonaut article dated August 7, 2008.  I forwarded the notice of dismissal with prejudice from LADWP dated October 31, 2008.   I did not editorialize.
Later, Challis_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Fact:   From Marcia Hanscom
Thanks, Challis.   Your earlier message said the case was dismissed.  It was not.  We only filed to dismiss one defendant - LADWP.   There were erroneous concerns being put forward (I'm not sure by whom) that intimated our case was settled and then the offensive cell tower sent to Oakwood.  We have not dismissed the case against T-Mobile.  For any who have further concerns, please see the message below.
Thank you, all.   These offensive cell towers are cropping up all over apparently, and much like the illegal billboards, there are questions about how many of these cell installations are permitted.  Especially in the coastal zone.
~ Marcia Hanscom
                                                                                                                                                    Editorial by Laddie Williams
Thank you for the article that you have sent.  My question to the LUPC and to the VNC, Federal government, LADWP is the placement of the cell tower?  It is directly across the street from Delta Head Start a preschool of fifty children.  It is in the yard of Oakwood where children play everyday and people are utilizing the park.  It is so close to the low income apartments on 7th Avenue.  How in the world did the Coastal Commission agree to have the tower there with our most precious of gifts 'children.'  I respect the habitat and I respect the fact that it was ordered not to be put in. Then I question the coastal commission and LADWP and Federal government and  whomever else that allows this to be put in place that is so close to our schools and where people live?  That is a grave concern of the community and should be of our elected officials who allow this to be placed in a hazardous place to be held accountable. Where was the notification to the community that it was coming?  Where is the public meetings for dialogue to have occurred and our concerns put to the coastal commission and the Federal government? I don't want to believe that because it is a school of Latino and African Americans and so the housing project that they could care less that the children and families be exposed to quote unquote lower emissions under federal guidelines.  Do I believe any of the federal government rhetoric that it falls under the safety guidelines and blah,blah.  No I don't if this were true then put in the neighborhoods where their children go to school and play and live.  I bet that would never occur because this is a detriment to our entire community and to our intelligence.  

The entire city of Venice not just the section of Oakwood must demand that this tower be taken down and that our children and community have the same respect from the coastal zone that Pacific and Jibb received because we are talking children who are our future, and they must be protected like the fowl of the air and the water that would have become contaminated from the tower.  Our children deserve the same regulation protection that the habitat received, not having the transmissions beaming down on their little heads while they play , live and sleep. This needs media attention and it needs it quickly. Now they want to come and give and informational meeting on the November 11th 2008, would this informational meeting have ever occurred had not the community started questioning the positioning of this cell tower?  I don't believe so because we were never notified that it was coming in. Yes, I will attend and I will question, but we need representatives from the coastal commission and the federal government there to answer the toughest question "What about the children and community and their rights to be safe and live without extra transmissions from a cell tower?'  

I am calling for and independent study of the federal government because I don't believe that the transmissions meet federal guidelines at all.  I don't believe it because if this were true the tower would have been erected in the Pacific and Jibb site.  If it is so safe lets build one in all of the communities not just Oakwood and then we would see if the safety of the transmissions not be called to question. 

This is and outrage and I am forwarding this email to T-Mobile and LADWP and the Federal government that knows this was wrong, and sometime the money issue has to be put on the back burner as we try and educate and live to prosper in our neighborhoods.

Shame on whomever allowed this cell tower to come into a residential neighborhood!
Laddie Williams
310-401-0172 home
310-908-7174 cell
                                                                                                                                                Part of Public Records Request sent to VNC and CD 11
Dear Ms. MacPherson,
            Please share the 2006 order to build the cell tower at Oakwood that Carolyn Rios from VNC was able to see from the Bureau of Engineers. There must be paper work or there would be no building of the tower by three schools, a church and a public park. Someone from VNC or CD 11 must have this paper work. It appears interesting that you can find certain paperwork, but not the ones requested under the public records request that has now been filed with DONE. Please share the order to build the cell tower at Oakwood Park. I am sorry that many in the community have lost trust in VNC. As you point out , you refer to "I" rather than VNC. You represent VNC, not yourself. Please send the papers to build the cell tower at Oakwood Park as stated in the grievance and public records request. Please also speak with CD11, who stated they had no paperwork. VNC member Dexter O'Connell placed the blame on the office of City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo.  VNC President Mike Newhouse  never replied to public records requests.
            You must remember that VNC refuses to deal with grievances because there grievance process is  a unilateral decision making process by Grievance Chair Ira Koslow who denies all grievances as non-actionable based on prejudice. Might VNC boarder on neo-Fascism? Peace. Rick Selan
 To:    Annie Kwak, DONE Complaints, and Bong Hwan Kim        Appeal of Unilateral Grievance Against VNC Dated November 16, 2008

November 16, 2008
Re: Grievances dated 11/11/2008, received by DONE 11/13/2008, sent to VNC 11/13/2008
Dear Mr. Selan,
Due to the fact that these do not address actual actions of the Board of Officers, these grievances are non-actionable, and are denied with prejudice.
Ira Koslow
Rules & Elections Committee
Venice Neighborhood Council

Penguin Educational Advocates    (310) 396-5164
“Ubi Ignus est?”    1615 Glyndon Ave.
Date: 11-16-08    Venice, CA 90291

Annie Kwak ; DONE Complaints; and Bong Hwan Kim     Appeal of Denied Unilateral Grievance by Ira Koslow On  11-16-08         

Appeal to DONE      Collective Grievance and Three Appealed Grievances Filed Against VNC Regarding  Less Than Fair Play and Ethical Procedures In VNC  Grievance Practice

    Please file in the appealed 31 Collective Grievance,  the 3 appealed grievances denied on November 11, 2008 and on November 16, 2008 by LACES Math Teacher and VNC appointed Grievance Chair Ira Koslow as he continues todeny these grievances unilaterally  as non-actionable based on prejudice. Joe D. Murphy, Dexter O’Connell and LACES Math Teacher Ira Koslow ( the VNC Grievance Committee)  take turns in this position.   Appointed VNC Parliamentarian Ivan Spiegel , who attends most meetings of the committee, appears to be the silent leader of this grievance committee. 
This orchestrated unilateral grievance process was set up when VNC appointed Parliamentarian Ivan Spiegel "bamboozled" Grievance member Michael Eschger into agreeing with his unilateral grievance policy. As the vote was 1-1, Mr. Spiegel was successful to continue this unfair process. A few months later, Mr. Eschger resigned from VNC along with Erica Harms. Former VNC Grievance Chair Dexter O'Connell shared with me the bad behavior shown by Ivan Spiegel.

Please inform VNC President Mike Newhouse that this is about civil rights, not his gain to be the next CD 11Council Person by obstructing fair play.
    Mr. Koslow  continues to believe he can be his own judge and jury. As in the past, rather than deal with fact, Mr. Koslow believes he is a psychologist rather than a math teacher. These are tactics used by elected VNC members and Ivan Spiegel to attack character. Please file the appealed grievance as soon as possible. As always, I appreciate your time and effort. 

Time for change has come. Allow time for DONE and its leader Bong Hwan Kim to "stop the circle game" and stop the "bad behavior by the VNC Grievance  committee and  orchestrator Ivan Spiegel". 

 Peace. Rick Selan


Jay Handler from DONE Elections informed me that the VNC Election Orientation meeting  on April 13, 2016 was not public and not a Brown Act violation as it was the City Clerk Election Division who was running this meeting and there was no need for VNC  to post this public meeting on the web site. This stakeholder has been retaliated by Rules and Election Chair Ira Koslow as explained in the documentation above. I request Ira Koslow and Ivan Spiegel  be suspended for ethics violations and blatant lies to LAPD and the City Attorney. All documentation regarding the Venice-DONE hearings are available from Leyla Campos, Other documentation needed will be forwarded to you if you need it.
There are various remedies available. Please select from the list below the remedy OR remedies you are seeking.
Please be advised that the Department has sole discretion in determining whether your remedy conforms with your Grievance.

From the list below, which remedy or remedies are you seeking?
Violation of Brown Act on April 13, 2016 and investigation into:

VNC refused to participate in the 2 meetings of the Venice- DONE Hearings coordinated by DONE (Leyla Campos),
2 City Attorneys, CORE Ca. and facilitated by LA Human Relations. Specific remedies were implemented because VNC refused to confirm complaints nor address complaints. This has been pattern and practice for over 2 years. 
VNC continues to deny confirmation of grievances nor address complaints. Before that time ,all grievances were denied with prejudice with mean spirited comments from the Rules and Election Chair Ira Koslow, Mr. Koslow and appointed Parliamentarian Ivan Spiegel attempted to have me falsely arrested by LAPD Pacific Division under Captain Brian Johnson by blatant lies to LAPD and two city attorneys. 
Witness Information
ALL of your Witness information and Witness Statement needs to be included at this time. The Department will ONLY accept and review Witness information included at time of submission.
You can find the Witness Statement form here.
Witness 1 Contact Information
(310) 704-6284
Witness 2 Contact Information
Witness 3 Contact Information
Supporting Documents
Before submitting, please include ALL supporting documentation HERE. The Department will ONLY process and review materials included at time of submission. NOTE: The Department will only review up to 10 pages submitted. Any information submitted past 5 pages will not be taken into account.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
rick selan
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Created on April 15, 2016 at  9:23 PM (PDT). Last updated by Briceno, Lorenzo on Oct. 30, 2019 at 11:28 AM (PDT). Owned by Anonymous.
Lorenzo Briceno
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